#HoneymoonJilidDua Part 4 – Ketemu Wallaby, si Kangaroo Kecil!

Hari pertama tidur di campervan berjalan dengan baik. Ternyata nyaman, ga sumpek seperti yang aku bayangkan sebelumnya. Karena kami masih di Utara, cuaca pun masih enak. Adem. Jadi kami bisa buka jendela dan fentilasi. Tentunya ada kawat nyamuk, jadi nyamuk atau serangga lain nggak ikutan tidur di dalam mobil 😛

Pagi-pagi, aku bergegas bikin sarapan dan mandi. Sebelum lanjut ke tujuan berikutnya.

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Pulang Travelling Jadi Bokek? Ini Tips Supaya Travelling Lebih Hemat

Seperti yang kalian tau, sekarang aku dan Fred sedang jalan-jalan keliling Australia untuk #HoneymoonJilidDua (cek foto Instagram ku untuk daily update yah!).

Sebenernya cara keliling Australia dengan campervan seperti yang kami lakukan ini umum di kalangan tertentu, terutama para orang tua di Australia. Bahkan saking populer dan umumnya, mereka dijuluki “gray nomad”. Couple goals banget deh.
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Main di Rumah Guguk, Bandung

Udah pada tau Rumah Guguk di Bandung belum? Rumah Guguk itu apa yah, hmm, petshop sih sebenarnya, tapi ada tamannya, kolam renangnya, tempat grooming, dll. Kamu juga bisa  beli anjing disini. Petshop plus plus lah, istilahnya. Hehe.

Sebenarnya aku udah lama banget pingin ke Rumah Guguk, tapi baru kesampean bulan lalu. Karena sejak aku lulus kuliah tahun 2014 lalu kan aku ngak tinggal di Bandung lagi tuh. Nah, sejak itu aku jarang banget ke Bandung. Paling juga satu dua kali, waktu ada acara nikahan temen.

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Mini Travel Guide : Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Ho Chi Minh City (or Saigon as it is still sometimes be called) is often said to be the biggest city in Vietnam. It was once the capital of France’s colony. And it is also one of the city in Vietnam tourists usually visit. This city offers a lot more than I’ve imagined before.

It has these elegant boulevards and beautiful colonial buildings. It offers so many kind of food ranging from the cheap sidewalk local stalls to the expensive fine restaurants. It is the place I’d like to spend my time wandering around just to find a nice local coffee shop.

I went there last January 2014. I can’t believe the fact that I’ve been postponing on writing this post for nearly two year!! So, before these precious memories of mine got lost forgotten, I want to share let’s say, a mini travel guide about where to go, what to do, and what to eat in Ho Chi Minh city.

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After spending a day walking around Ubud, me and Meidiana decided to go back to our hotel at Kuta area around 6 pm. It’s been a long fun sunny day. But at the end, we were so tired. We walked around our hotel to find a nice restaurant nearby for dinner. It was a fortunate that we came across Nebula Room at Poppies Lane 2. Just in time before I craved myself to death!

It was Friday night and Nebula was having this live acoustic music performance. Too bad that it was already dark as I SWEAR TO YOU Nebula looks AMAZING under the daylight. I mean, it’s full of colorful ornaments and stuffs. Like, every edges of the restaurant is so instagram-able.Lanjutkan membaca “NEBULA ROOM, Bali”

Monsieur Spoon Bali

It was a fine afternoon at Bali. Not too sunny, but the weather was dry and clear. I found it a perfect time to feed my skin with sun exposure after finishing my lunch at Cuca Flavor. So right after lunch, me and Meidiana decided to take a walk around Seminyak area, just for the sake of setting everything down, until we accidentally passed this french bakery with Monsieur Spoon sign on it.

Monsieur Spoon? It did sound familiar to me. Not that I’ve been there before but I thought I’ve spotted some pic from Instagram and I remembered how people kept mentioning about the pastries and about Monsieur Spoon being the best bakery in Bali. Lanjutkan membaca “Monsieur Spoon Bali”

A Year in Review : 2014

As another year winds up, I take a look back at the past 12 months I’ve passed. And looking back, there’s nothing more I could feel beside being grateful. I just can’t believe that I came across this time faster. It’s way faster than I thought, indeed. But in so many ways, 2014 has been one of my best year. It was so full of challenges, laughter, tears, stress, works, struggles, and surprises. It got its ups and downs. But it was a big sweet one.

Now here we are at the very end of 2014. So here’s a little look back at the amazing year!

Let’s be grateful, as we’ve just lived one year more.

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Where To Eat in Bandung (Part 2)

“Where To Eat in Bandung” blog post is back! I know.. I know.. It’s been quite a while. Blame it on my inconsistency on making plan.

For those who don’t know what “Where To Eat in Bandung” is all about, well, it’s pretty much a compilation post about some of my favorite places to eat in Bandung. The post itself will mostly describes about what I like and what I don’t really like about the restaurant – if there’s any. And please note that this opinion of mine is very subjective. It really depends on my mood that day, and the service that day. You know, it all can just change anytime.Lanjutkan membaca “Where To Eat in Bandung (Part 2)”