Kompas Eksplor Jawa Barat (Part 3) – Sawarna

Destinasi terakhir yang kami kunjungi selama roadtrip #KompasEksplor adalah : Sawarna! Sebenarnya, setelah Sawarna, kami seharusnya mengunjungi Kampung Baduy. Tapi karena nggak sempat, akhirnya kami skip dan ganti dengan destinasi lain di Pelabuhan Ratu.

Masih ingat dengan destinasi sebelumnya ga di Ujung Genteng? Pasti nggak.

Jadi setelah asik main air di Curug Cikaso Ujung Genteng, kami melanjutkan perjalanan ke Sawarna. Estimasi Google Maps sih, sekitar 4 jam sampe.

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Kompas Eksplor Jawa Barat (Part 2) – Santolo & Ujung Genteng

Setelah puas (dan keringetan) usai menjelajahi Kampung Naga, kami melanjutkan perjalanan ke Santolo. Dari Kampung Naga, dibutuhkan sekitar 3 setengah jam perjalanan untuk sampai ke penginapan sederhana kami di Santolo. Iya, emang setelah browsing sana-sini, di Santolo nggak ada hotel. Cuma ada penginapan sederhana saja.

Ajeng :

Eh gapapa nih? Atau kita skip langsung lanjut ke Ujung Genteng aja? Atau mau nginep di Garut?

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Kompas Eksplor Jawa Barat (Part 1) – Bukit Panenjoan & Kampung Naga

Halo Sharon, hati2 ya dalam perjalanan. Karena tim nya baru pertama kali ketemu semua, mungkin komunikasi di awal agak canggung. Tapi semoga bisa berbaur semua ya. Have fun!

Kira-kira begitu isi pesan Whatsapp dari mas Andre.

Yup, kalau kalian lihat IG Story aku (@sharonlohh) minggu lalu, pasti kalian tau kalau aku ikut perjalanan #KompasEksplor bersama Ajeng, Eggy, dan Mas Parmin. Kami berempat melakukan perjalanan darat ke daerah-daerah wisata di Jawa Barat.

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Short Trip to Pangandaran

Pangandaran is definitely one of the most overrated yet easily reached tourist destination in Java Island, Indonesia. It’s once (and still) a fishing village which later grew bigger and bigger and became famous among local tourist who long for a sunny day at the seashore and fresh seafood in their stomach.

What’s unique about Pangandaran is that it’s located on a Peninsula, so you might find the beaches facing East and West at the same time. I mean, not literally the same beach facing East and West but you only need 5 minutes walk from the East part of the beach to the West – that’s pretty convenient (for me)!Lanjutkan membaca “Short Trip to Pangandaran”

Travelling to the Beaches in West Java, Indonesia

I’ve been living in a tropical country for my whole life and I don’t think I’ll move out to a country with a cold climate. Because you know what? What’s so great about living in a tropical island is that you don’t have to wait till summer to go to the beach! This is what I do to start a new year.

Fred and I decided to take a 3-days road trip to the beaches in the west side of Java island. Since we didn’t have any plans for our holiday, we just packed our stuffs and headed to the city of Anyer, Banten in West Java.Lanjutkan membaca “Travelling to the Beaches in West Java, Indonesia”

Highland Hideaway : Puncak, Indonesia

For those who are looking for a quick hideaway from the crowded city, Jakarta, perhaps Puncak (means Peak) is one of the choice you have. This place has a beautiful view of tea plantation, botanical gardens, some small theme park for kids, and local restaurants which is good enough for those who are starving. Well, people said, Puncak is a little piece of paradise in West Java. It used to be actually. Not until people are beginning to throw trashes everywhere and brings too many member of their families every weekend so that Puncak is always wayyy too crowded every weekend.Lanjutkan membaca “Highland Hideaway : Puncak, Indonesia”