
Sharon Travelogue was created on 2012 by me, Sharon Loh. I was an informatics student at that time. And this blog was a media I could write anything about, mainly about the places I’ve been and the food that I like. After graduating, I worked as a software engineer for about a year and a half until one day I decided to be my own boss.

I’m now living my dream, traveling around, gathering stories to tell.

Collaborate With Me

I am excited to work with you (brands/restaurant/online shop/travel related business). The kind of advertising available is sponsored articles, banner ad, and Instagram post.

If you are interested in working together with me, please drop me an email at:


And then we’ll discuss further the possibility to create a content that my readers actually love.


Find me on Facebook / Twitter / Instagram


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17 Komentar

  1. Adam Ardisasmita berkata:

    Wah keren blognya 🙂 Spesifik banget ke satu topik.
    Pengen deh bikin blog yg kayak gini, tapi belum bisa nentuin mau khusus ngebahas apa. Abis banyak banget sih yang disukain :p
    Good luck

    1. Sharon Loh berkata:

      Kyaaa aku di komen kak Adam! >,<
      Makasih makasih hehe. Punya mu jauh lebih keren kak. Good luck to you too! 😉

  2. Seth berkata:


    What camera & lens do you use?


    1. Sharon Loh berkata:

      Hello, Seth!

      I use Sony Nex 7 and the lens that come with it. But lately, I’ve been using Nikon Nikkor 50mm f1/2 lens very much! It’s this one : http://www.kenrockwell.com/nikon/50mm-f12.htm. You can use an adapter or something to connect the two.

      Cheers! 🙂

      1. nyonyasepatu berkata:

        Sharon, aku beli adaptor juga tapi koq kayaknya gak bisa ya dipasang ke Sony Nex? aku pakai Sony Nex 7. Ada brand terntentu untuk adaptornya yang punya kamu?

        Thank you 🙂

        1. Sharon Loh berkata:

          Hola kak!

          Wah kamera kita sama ternyata. Ngak tau ya merk nya apa, aku beli di bukalapak kalo ga salah. Kalo ga salah ini deh kak barangnya : https://www.tokopedia.com/aabstore/adapter-ring-lensa-nikon-ai-af-s-g-to-sony-nex?key=eyJvYiI6IjEiLCJwYWdlIjoiMSIsInNxIjoiYWRhcHRlcitsZW5zYStzb255K25leCtuaWtvbiJ9&pos=4. Dari foto sih sama dg punya aku hehehe

          1. nyonyasepatu berkata:

            Jadi pengen cross check ama yang dipunya di rumah hehe. Makasih ya Sharon.

  3. dianasadventures berkata:

    aww you look so cute! I’m an extreme foodie and can’t wait to see what posts you have in store! ^_^ Following for future updates

    1. Sharon Loh berkata:

      Aw thank you Diana! There’s not much thing to do in the city except…. trying out new foods! That’s why 😀

  4. dg situru' berkata:

    Hi Sharon, wow incredible blog. Coming doodles yes. Greetings and visiting my blog, thanks.

  5. christannathan berkata:

    Hi Sharon, saya salah satu pemilik Escape Room di Jakarta Barat. Kita ingin undang kamu untuk main gratis di tempat kita dan membahas tentang experience bermain di Reality Escape Room kita. Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, bisa cek websote kita http://www.chronosphere.id atau langsung call kita di 081808717988. Thx

  6. Rahman Batopie berkata:

    Blognya keren kak . . .
    Salam Kenal 🙂

  7. SheryL♥ berkata:

    Hi! Thanks a lot for joining Thoughts of SheryL!
    Great blog! 🙂

  8. itsmrsant berkata:

    kak sharon, aku pemula nih dlam menulis blog, dan aku terinspirasi dari kakak.. tapi aku masih bingung nih gimana caranya buat blog biar menarik dan topik apa ya yang enaknya dibahas.. sukses terus kak 🙂
    ditunggu kedatangannya ke The Sanctoo Villa lagi ya Xx

  9. Fiberti berkata:

    Baru ngikutin blognya, tulisannya asyik2, salam.

  10. Wahyu Blahe berkata:

    Wajib kenalan nih sama kak Sharon. Salam sehat ya kak 🙂

  11. Aang berkata:

    Hi Sharon..
    Thanks for creating such inspiring blog, especially for WHV 🙂
    Keep it up!

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