Ninotchka Coffee Parlour & Diner

This is it! Ninotchka Coffee Parlour & Diner. A perfect hideaway for those looking to escape from the routine in the crowded city, Jakarta.

I’ve never heard about this place before, until my cousin tell me so. She was like : “Oh my God. Seriously? How could you not know about Ninotchka? It has been mentioned a lot in Twitter!”  And I was like : “Oh really? … Too bad I didn’t know anything about it. ”

Well, yeah, she’s right. I then searched the internet about Ninotchka. I found that this cafe is run by one of the famous Indonesian fashion blogger, Sonia Eryka. Okay, I should make another confession. I didn’t know anything about her either since I’m not into fashion blog.Lanjutkan membaca “Ninotchka Coffee Parlour & Diner”

The Stone Cafe, Bandung

Well, I was here because I was sooo bored & tired, and I thought this place might give me a nice short break during my hectic week. You know, that moment when you’ve been doing your college assignments all day but you got stuck and stressed? That’s what I felt that day. So I thought, “Maybe I should go to a restaurant or a cafe? Just me and my laptop, so I’ll be able to focus better on doing my assignment. Right! I’m going to a cafe in the mountain hill!”Lanjutkan membaca “The Stone Cafe, Bandung”

Breezeo Resto, Pattaya, Thailand

During my visit to Pattaya, Thailand, about 1 year ago, I had an early dinner in Breezeo Resto with my friends. As you can guess from the restaurant name I mentioned, Breezeo, this restaurant is located just right on the seaside of Royal Cliff Hotel’s private beach. It’s one of the few places in Pattaya where you can enjoy the cuisine along with the fresh and clean breeze in a peaceful place.Lanjutkan membaca “Breezeo Resto, Pattaya, Thailand”

Walking the Great Wall of China!

At the end of August 2012, my friend and I went to 北京 (Beijing), China for the first time. I was so excited since I’ve never actually been there before. I couldn’t imagine living in a city where most of the people can’t understand English. Even the receptionist in the hotel we stayed can only speak Chinese Mandarin. Here, language is such a trouble for me. I was like : “Hmm. I should take a Mandarin course as soon as I go back to Indonesia”Lanjutkan membaca “Walking the Great Wall of China!”

De Ranch, Lembang, Indonesia

In October 2012, my friend and I went to a local ranch located in Lembang, Indonesia. It was approximately 1 hour car-driving from Bandung.

What makes me so excited is that this is actually my first time going to a ranch! And what do you think of when you heard the term ‘ranch’? A horse, of course! I was like : “Yaaay I’m going to ride a horse! A real horse!”. To tell the truth, I’ve never ridden a horse before. I rode an elephant before in Pattaya, Thailand, but, you know, elephant walks so damn slowly and I knew it from the beginning that riding a horse might be completely different. Well, may be not when you’re accompanied by the ‘horse man’. They will make sure we ride our horse safely.Lanjutkan membaca “De Ranch, Lembang, Indonesia”

Killiney Kopitiam

Who loves coffee? Oh yes, I can hear you…

So yesterday, I went out all day with my sister & in the afternoon, we decided to spend our coffee-time in Killiney Kopitiam. In chinese, Kopi Tiam means traditional coffee shop.Lanjutkan membaca “Killiney Kopitiam”

Warung Pasta

Are you a pasta lover? Because if you do, here in Bandung, Indonesia, there’s one place which sell pasta with a reasonable price. Yes, it is Warung Pasta! It’s sooo popular among students because of its cheap price.Lanjutkan membaca “Warung Pasta”

Angkringan Dago

If you are an Indonesian, you must be familiar with the term Angkringan. Yes, it’s derived from Javanese word Angkring which means sit and relax.

Angkringan refers to a place which sells traditional foods and beverages commonly found in each side of the street in Central Java and Yogyakarta, Indonesia. It’s famous for its cheap food price and for it’s coffee.Lanjutkan membaca “Angkringan Dago”