Tutorial Edit Foto Makanan

Welcome to another photo editing tutorial!

Sebenarnya, cara aku edit foto masih sama aja dengan sebelumnya. Kalau kalian belum baca, coba deh baca 2 tutorial ini :

Tapi, berhubung ada yang request tutorial untuk edit foto makanan (babi guling) ini, jadi aku jelasin aja disini yah! Berbeda dengan tutorial foto food flatlay sebelumnya, foto makanan yang ini aku ambil menggunakan kamera. Untuk foto ini, aku ambil menggunakan Sony Nex 7, lensa 35mm, apperture f/1.8.

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Kuliner Jambi : Mie Pangsit Enak di Jambi

Siapa yang suka ngiler kalo aku nge-post Mie Pangsit Jambi di Instagram Story? Hihihi.

Tiap kali pulang ke Jambi, pasti yang aku inget itu kulinernya. Dan salah satu kuliner Jambi kesukaan aku itu Mie Pangsit! Kalau ada teman atau saudara yang datang dari luar kota, mereka juga biasanya minta diajak makan mie pangsit. Soalnya beda aja gitu dengan mie pangsit / bakmi / mie ayam di Jakarta.

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Away From Internet and Merry Christmas!

One of the things that I enjoy the most about traveling is the feeling of being away from people. And that includes people from social media. *introvert detected* Seriously, noisy and kepo people really drains me out.

It’s crazy how my mind is focused more on Instagram and seeing other people’s life rather than enjoying my own. It’s weird that I talk to my “online” friends more that I talk to my family, who I meet every day at home. And the even weirder thing is that I enjoy all that. But at the same time, I don’t feel that it’s right either. It feels good but it’s not right.

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Beijing, China. What’s not to Miss?

It’s my second time here in Beijing. I still remembered how I used to dislike this city, since… you know, I couldn’t seem to understand the language well. That time, ordering food seemed to be a big day-to-day problem to me. I even wrote about this language thing on How to Survive in China Without Knowing How to Speak Chinese. It shows how desperate I was, 4 years ago. Even worse, not only that I feel people are generally unfriendly, but I feel that they are also angry all the time. And it’s because I don’t understand the language.

So, several months back, before our departure to Beijing this year, Fred and I learned Chinese language for like, 2 – 3 months. I can say that it has helped us a lot during our trip. We could listen a bit of what the Chinese said, and ordered our food in Chinese. And hey, suddenly Beijing doesn’t feel that bad! It’s pretty nice, really. 

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